Saturday, March 13, 2010

5. Stereotypes, Positive or Negative, Cloud The Truth

In this article Cathy Hwang argues that "stereotypes are stereotypes, whether they are positive or negative." Generally, people assume that positive stereotypes may seem inoffensive but Cathy Hwang is against to this idea. So, she thinks that stereotyping can not be inoffensive because "stereotypes lump people into categories" and they are some kind of generalisation which may not valid for whole group members.

She gives some examples and try to explain us why positive stereotypes may cause negative results.
In my opion, the most crucial example was the "All Americans are rich" stereotype. This stereotype may seem as positive but infact, it is not. For instance, when one of the poor Americans travel abroad she/he may get ripped off by a street hawker because of this stereotype. We can also, see such examples in Turkey. The scapegoat of this ""positive"" stereotype can be an innocent tourist. As an example, in grand bazaar if you reveal your nationality(as an American) you may pay double price for whatever you look for(carpet,silver, leather etc.)'(Attention please: I don't want to stereotype the artisans of grandbazaar so, I purpusely use "may" in my sentence=))'

Lets move on another stereotype which is negative(not included in the article)

Retrieved from,

"Stupid Blondes"- this stereotype annoys me because I am blondish:p(it means a bit blond:D)
It is not only a stereotype it is also known as a routine joke. So, this means that it is more difficult to abolish this stereotype because it is integrated with culture and general perception of people. No matter if it is a joke or stereotype it may be offensive. Because this type of generalisation mostly is not valid for whole blondes. Actually, I think this is not a joke or a stereotype it is a kind of outrage. I have to admit that, I won't take offense if someone tells me this stereotype because it is a just "stereotype". I don't accept this outrage:))

Legally Blonde is a nice comedy which focuses on this stereotype:) Elle Woods seems like a stupid girl but she is not infact:) She becomes determined to do well at law school, studies hard and impresses her professors so, by this way she proves that she is not a stupid blonde.


  1. "Attention please: I don't want to stereotype the artisans of grandbazaar so, I purpusely use "may" in my sentence" - hahaa, that's cool! nice to see that hedging language.. ;)

    Yes, as a (natural) blonde, I'm also familiar with this stereotype. We also have this silly expression "Blondes have more fun." Well, I've been waiting to have more fun all my life, but...


  2. simge,
    i love the way you connect stereotypes to this funny film.i think public have lots of tabus and this is only one of them.We need to break these in order to progress.
