Saturday, March 13, 2010

6. Who is a whiz kid? - Ted Gup

This story focus on the stereotype which known as "Asian-Americans are smart and good at mathematics". Actually, this stereotype is a kind of racism and it is again generalisation which may oppres that nation to obey this stereotype. For example, in the article we can se a young Asian-American student enumerating his or her hobbies as "studying, studying and more studying". They feel that they bound to in order to make the stereotype come true. Besides, these kind of positive stereotypes relating to a race may exalt those people who are dependent in that race but it is important to remember that while exalting one race you lower others!
Another important point in this story is that, it shows us that being smart or good at mathematics is not a genetic predisposition. It depends on a person's ability, culture, endeavor, intelligence, accumulation etc.

1 comment:

  1. "it is important to remember that while exalting one race you lower others!" - an excellent point

    There is enormous pressure on many Asians to study. I have taught lots and lots of Koreans. They used to go to school Monday to Saturday, from early in the morning to late at night!
